Search Results for node/natural%20resources

Climate Smart Agriculture and Food Action Policy

The League of Women Voters of California supports actions to enable California’s agricultural sector to adapt to climate change; mitigate and eventually negate the impacts that California’s agriculture and food production industry have on climate change; provide assistance to alleviate food insecurity and reduce food waste throughout the State; inform and educate citizens about how their food is sourced and produced.

The Water-Energy Nexus

LWV Blog

Water is heavy; it takes large amounts of energy to haul water uphill. Conversely, the prodigious power of water rolling downhill can scour stone into canyons, and can also be harnessed for energy, whether it is used for grinding grain…

About Food, Soils, and Agriculture

LWV Blog
The Food, Soils, and Agriculture Team brings together league members from all over the state to work collaboratively on these three related areas and their impacts on climate change, clean air & water, and food equity.