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Test Drive: The ballot’s ‘too darn long’; we’re here to help

The great news about the controversy-filled Nov. 8 election is that it is almost here. The scary news is that before we can be done with it, we have to prepare for it. And with 17 statewide ballot propositions and a slew of city and countywide measures awaiting our decisions, what we are looking at is less a civic sprint than a municipal marathon. Cue the blood, sweat and fears.

“It is a very confusing ballot this year. There are so many ballot measures, and so many of them seem to contradict one another,” said Jeanne Brown membership director of the League of Women Voters of California and president of the league’s San Diego branch, which is holding a discussion of the pros and cons of the local and county ballot measures at 10 a.m. Saturday in the Mission Valley Library. “If these things are not explained, it can be difficult. Most of the voters I talk to are very concerned about what they are being asked to do.”

Read the rest of the story in the San Diego Union Tribune.